22 November 2018
The ECC Annual Conference 2018: Mind the Reward Gap! was held on 22 November.
Attended by over 70 delegates from 40 member organisations across the UK plus representatives of partner organisations, the conference focused on challenges and solutions in relation to the gender pay gap, and explored the growing interest in other pay and reward gaps such as race and disability.
Our keynote speakers shared insights to help HR professionals tackle those challenges, and we ran three practical workshops exploring key issues:
Pay risks and reducing the gender pay gap
Streamlining role analysis: avoiding the pitfalls
Unconscious bias and reward decisions
All the speakers’ presentations are available below.
We have uploaded short video interviews with conference speakers to below, so you can hear the key points first hand.
Speaker Interviews
Peter Allen
Sarah Ashcroft
Chris Charman
Alison Johns
Nicholas Johnston
‘What are the key challenges for HE, and what does good practice look like?’
‘A fast-changing environment - supporting staff in HE to flourish’
‘Gender pay/equality pay reporting in the private sector’
Recordings of the workshops can be found in the members area of our website.
Workshop 1 - Pay risks and reducing the gender pay gap run by Chris Charman, Mercer
Workshop 2 - Streamlining role analysis: avoiding the pitfalls run by the ECC Consultant team
Workshop 3 - Unconscious bias and reward decisions run by Peter Allen, Enact Solutions