Job Evaluation
Job evaluation (JE) is a fair, objective way of creating a pay and grading structures. Using JE evaluates the job, not the job holder, and provides an objective means of assessing the demands of the role.
ECC supports members by implementing the HERA / FEDRA job evaluation tools into their organisation. This involves training staff members who will be involved in the job evaluation process, to ensure that they are fully competent in the use of the methodology. For smaller organisations, or those with resource challenges, we can also support directly with job evaluation, second scoring and consistency checking.
Why does job evaluation matter?
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) views job evaluation as vitally important to assessing your pay system and ensuring you adhere to the Equality Act 2010. As analytical job evaluation schemes, HERA and FEDRA give you the confidence that you have the information you need if you are to defend an equal pay claim.
Importantly job evaluation gives you to basis to create a pay and grading structure that works for your organisation, and a means of showing you provide equal pay for work of equal value.