+44 (0) 7946 731227
Suzanne Daley
Member Engagement and Reward Consultant
With 15 years’ experience in HR, Suzanne has spent 7 of those years focusing on Reward issues.
Having previously worked for a not-for-profit organisation which faces many of the same challenges as the HE sector, Suzanne has experience of working closely with the business to help managers achieve their strategic aims. She has a wealth of experience across the full range of Reward issues including pay, core and flexible benefits and pensions. Suzanne has experience of implementing an analytical job evaluation method and updating pay structures and has spent many years evaluating and benchmarking roles. Suzanne also has experience in supporting the business with recruitment and selection and employee relation issues.
Two young children keep Suzanne busy but when she can find the time she enjoys getting outside either on foot or on a bike.